
Unmasking the Razer Unquoted Search Path Vulnerability - A Hilarious Code Tango - $750 USD

by on under Bug-Bounty
4 minute read


Greetings, my fellow code aficionados and bug bounty hunters! Prepare to embark on a side-splitting adventure into the realm of cybersecurity, where we shall unveil the uproarious Razer Unquoted Search Path Vulnerability. With a touch of mischievous code and a dash of deep knowledge, this journey promises laughter and enlightenment!

Part 1: The Whimsical Discovery of Razer’s Unquoted Search Path

Picture this: while exploring the depths of the software kingdom, I stumbled upon Razer Cortex Service version, seemingly innocuous but harboring a delightful secret. Behold, the grand revelation! By default, RzKLService.exe frolics through the system, executing RazerCortex.exe with the utmost flair, yet oblivious to the vulnerability lurking within unquoted search paths. It’s like watching a ballet of binary blunders—a truly captivating sight!

Part 2: Unveiling the Prankster’s Playground

Let us delve deeper into the inner workings of this whimsical vulnerability. As RzKLService.exe merrily executes RazerCortex.exe with administrator privileges, it unwittingly invites mischief. The flaw lies in the way it loads this binary—sans proper quotation marks—giving enterprising pranksters a chance to create chaos. Two specific paths, C:\Program.exe and C:\Program Files (x86)\Razer\Razer.exe, become the playground for their mischievous binaries. And so, with a mischievous grin, an attacker plants their malicious binary, awaiting the opportune moment for it to execute with administrator privileges.

Part 3: Peering into the Vulnerable Code

With the spirit of adventure, I ventured forth into the decompiled realm of RzKLService.exe, unravelling the secrets hidden within its code. Lo and behold, I discovered the culprit—the vulnerable code snippet that brought about this whimsical vulnerability. In the bowels of the code, I witnessed the concatenation of RazerCortex.exe path with the argument "-systray," sans the protective embrace of quotation marks. A blunder of comedy proportions!

  print_log((int)L"Run main processex[0] %s %s", path_ptr, v33);
  sub_402FA0((void **)&v34, L"RazerCortex.exe");
  LOBYTE(v37) = 10;
  cancat((int)&path_ptr, (int)L" %s", v33);

Part 4: The Quirks Behind the Curtain

Allow me to illuminate the root cause of this vulnerability. RzKLService.exe, in all its jolly excitement, executes RazerCortex.exe with the concatenated argument "-systray" appended to its path. However, without the presence of quotation marks to distinguish spaces in the path, a calamity ensues. The system interprets "C:\Program Files (x86)\Razer\Razer Cortex\RazerCortex.exe -systray" as two separate entities, resulting in unexpected consequences—like watching a clown juggling knives without proper gloves!

Part 5: How to Fix the Vulnerability

Ah, fear not, brave developers! Every vulnerability has a remedy, and the Razer Unquoted Search Path flaw is no exception. With a sprinkle of coding wisdom, we can shield our beloved Razer Cortex Service from prying mischief-makers.

To fix this vulnerability, we shall employ a simple yet powerful solution: adding quotes around the path to RazerCortex.exe. By embracing the path within quotation marks, we can ensure that the operating system treats it as a single, cohesive directory, impervious to the shenanigans of unquoted search paths.

To implement this fix, we need to make a small modification to the code responsible for concatenating the strings. Behold, the magical incantation that fortifies our defenses:

cancat((int)&path_ptr, (int)L"\"%s\" %s", v33);

This modification inserts the mighty quotes around the path, creating an impenetrable barrier against the misinterpretation of spaces within the directory structure. With this line of code in place, the vulnerability is vanquished, and our Razer Cortex Service is free to roam the digital realm with confidence.

Remember, dear developers, the power of quotes should not be underestimated. They possess the ability to transform a vulnerable path into an impervious fortress. However, wield this code with caution and ensure its compatibility with your specific environment.

Now, armed with the knowledge of this fix, go forth and fortify your Razer Cortex Service, sparing it from the whimsical exploits of unquoted search paths. Together, let us create a safer digital landscape, one witty code snippet at a time!

Part 6: From Discovery to Reporting

Armed with the knowledge of this delightful vulnerability, I swiftly reported my findings on HackerOne, ensuring that the laughter could be shared with Razer and the cybersecurity community. Collaboration is the key to transforming these moments of mirth into a more secure digital landscape. In this report, I drew parallels to similar bugs like Safebreach-Windows-Unquoted-Search-Path-CVE-2019-16647, solidifying our understanding and propelling us toward a safer future.


And so, dear friends, we bring our uproarious journey through the realm of the Razer Unquoted Search Path Vulnerability to a close. We’ve uncovered the enchanting world of unquoted search paths, witnessed the dance of the vulnerable code, and even explored the art of reporting for the greater good. Remember, in the realm of cybersecurity, laughter and knowledge go hand in hand

Bug-Bounty, Windows Code Path Vulnerability, Razer, HackerOne
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